Steam Helps the Body, Mind and Soul

For weary souls and weary bodies, saunas are simply a magical therapy. Not just for relaxing in a peaceful and warm environment, but more importantly, saunas offer many health benefits, and Dioost offers a complete line of customizable steam room solutions that can deliver these benefits to you.

Our top-of-the-line solutions are designed for residential and commercial use, such as hotels, gyms or resorts.

From walls to ceilings, benches to doors, steam generators to LED lighting, everything about steam and water treatment can be customized to your individual needs and requirements.

Learn about Dioost’s steam and water treatment products or contact us to find the perfect solution for you.

For inspiration, check out our references.

Experience steam like never before

Experience steam like never before

The benefits of steam saunas for our bodies, minds and souls have long been known, but the possibility of enjoying a relaxing steam bath in the comfort and privacy of your own home at a time of your own choosing has now become possible. limited. At Diooist, our mission is to share the relaxing and healing benefits of saunas and spas with the world, and with this mission in mind, we are proud to bring you steam saunas.

Steam sauna has a positive effect on the mind

Relax and let go of your worries while lying in the comfort of a steam room or sauna. This is an opportunity for you to be alone and focus on your inner voice and think deeply, or you can choose to let your mind wander and enjoy the tranquility of the universe. In such an environment, you will feel physically and mentally balanced and release many of the fatigue and stress in daily life.

Improve immunity

Stress from non-infectious stimuli, such as immersion in cold water, activates the immune system. Regular cold baths can improve immunity over time.

Reduce pain

Spa can relieve pain. Tightens blood vessels and reduces inflammation and inflammation-related pain. It also blocks nerve cells that send pain signals.

Reduce stress and improve mood

Giving your body a mild cold shock can improve your mood levels and health. Cold water immersion increases the body’s production of norepinephrine. Low levels of norepinephrine are associated with depression.

Improve sleep quality

Increase deep sleep, reduce nighttime waking, and improve sleep quality. A steam sauna can relieve pain that interferes with sleep. It also lowers the body’s core temperature and helps the body achieve a relaxed state before bed.

Activate brown fat

SPA activates brown fat. Brown fat can help control blood sugar, improve insulin levels and metabolic health. Regular exposure to cold increases the amount of brown fat in the body.

Recover faster

Combined with a steam sauna, recovery from exercise will be faster. May reduce muscle inflammation and fatigue after exercise. If possible, it should be done immediately after exercise to get the most benefit.